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Stock Information System v6.5
Product Overview


The objective of the Stock Information System (S.I.S.) is to provide fast computer access to comprehensive databases of individual stock and overall market information for every market that S.I.S.  covers. Each market's database can be maintained centrally, or in the appropriate  regional office.

The regions covered at this time are:

Country S.I.S. Region Code Reuters Code
Hongkong H HK
India A BO
Indonesia I JK
Korea K KS
Malaysia M KL
Pakistan P PS
Philippines L SS
Shanghai N SX
Shenzhen Z SZ
Singapore S SI
Taiwan W TW`
Thailand T BK

Each of the databases for each region are preprocessed for about an hour each night, and then can be transferred to other regional offices, and to selected clients.

The collection of regional databases are loaded into the S.I.S. Enquiry Program, providing instant access to information on earnings history, earnings forecasts, earnings growth rates, PEs, dividend yields and comments, and is available for individual stocks, market sectors, overall markets or ad hoc (user-specified) groups of stocks.

Over 300 individual items of information can be tracked for every single stock for every single market included in the S.I.S. system. This data is used by the S.I.S. software to calculate stock information, including that mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Some of the individual data items stored in S.I.S. include:

All basic stock data, including Reuters, Bloomberg, stock exchange symbols, and internal company stock codes & names.
Information on the analyst, the key shareholder, number of shares, nominal value, etc.
Index categorization for up to 3 index groupings, and unlimited subindex groupings.
Sector categorization for up to 5 sector groupings, and unlimited subsector groupings, plus unlimited storage of historic, current and future years' statuses as a constituent for every Sector.
A permanent ongoing (encrypted!) record of all analyst recommendations, including qualification, price at time of recommendation, etc.
A permanent record of all daily currency exchange rates for up to 3 currencies in addition to each region's.
The ability to connect an unlimited number of warrants, Hongkong 'A/B' shares, foreign board stocks, etc. to the parent share record.
Category, corporate grouping, and 5 user-definable categorization fields.
Forecast years and one current year's data for company turnover, NET, DPS, EPS, company year end date, and forecast source.
Interim years for company turnover, NET, DPS, EPS, and company year end date.
Historic years data for company turnover, NET, DPS, EPS, and company year end date.
Net Asset Value (NAV) data.
Instant access to current price, and prices at 1, 7, 30, 90 and 365 days, plus easy access to ALL adjusted & unadjusted price history.
High/ low price data for the calendar year & for a 12 month period.
Instand access to average turnover at 7, 30, 90, 180, 365 days, and YTD, plus easy access to ALL historic turnover data.
Unlimited warrant information, where applicable.
One historic, one current and one future year's QUANT data, including Net Debt To Equity, Interest Cover, Cash per Share, Management Rank and Business Exposure.
Foreign board data including foreign limit, foreign available, foreign board price high/lows, and the last 10 forign board quotes for each stock.
Automated charting for price performance, price relative, and PE Band.
Many more support and internally used fields, such as the stock's status (active/non-active), etc.

For more information on S.I.S. programs, please refer the S.I.S. Features Summary, or the various S.I.S. on-line help system files.


bulletS.I.S. Features Summary
bulletProgram Description - The 13 S.I.S. Program Modules

S.I.S. News

bulletAnalysts Forecast Performance Report


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